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Friday, September 19, 2008


"Excuse me - can I get a blanket," asks a woman a few rows ahead of me. The man in the Virgin America head to toe black turned around after putting his suitcase in the overhead bin. Seeing that he has his own luggage, she asks. "Are you working or traveling?"

The nice gentleman says, "It's okay, I'll ask someone for you." Later he returns saying - no blankets. They are all out.

"What? No blankets?" She turns to another steward. "Can I get a blanket?" "What? No blankets? Every other flight I've gone on, they have a blanket for every person!!!!" She turns to a stewardess who has just checked the back for blankets. Same thing.... Continues.... Noisy Noisy Noisy.

People start chuckling - she was really making this too big of a deal.

The steward offers the purchase of a "sky kit" which includes a blanket. It's $10. She says, "I don't have $10! You should just give me the blanket since I didn't get one to use."

The steward/stewardesses apologize and ask her to sit down so they can take off.

Gate is still open. Steward runs out to see if there are blankets and sky kits outside by the gate. Brings a sky kit. "I don't have $10". They apologize again and ask her to sit.

"C'mon - we want to take off!" Says someone in the back.

"I do too! So give me a blanket," she retorts. She is really getting on my nerves.

"I just want an f-ing blanket!!"

I had a blanket and was a few rows behind her. I'm like, maybe I should just give her my blanket to shut her up. This was a redeye. We needed to get going. I pass it down my aisle, but then the people are around me are like, "You kidding me? She doesn't deserve a blanket. Don't give it to her!!"

So we take off a few minutes later. The lady never got her blanket but just wasted our time, and was laughed at. Turns out we didn't really need the blanket. It was a toasty warm flight.

Lesson for everyone: if you want a blanket on a Virgin America flight, board early, grab the first blanket you see, or keep a $10 in your pocket. And please do not delay takeoff.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    i love this story. crazy woman. no shame.
